nf2t unpackage [-u] [-e=<arg1>] -i=<arg2> -o=<arg3> [-r=<arg5>] [-v=<arg0>]
Unpackages FlowFileStream(s), information regarding this operation sent to standard out. See command arguments for furher details.
- -e, --extension=<arg1>
For the unpackage command, it is used to determine whether or not an incoming file is a FlowFileStream of the specified version.
- -i, --in=<arg2>
The input path. For the unpackage command, a single FlowFileStream file, a directory of FlowFileStream files, a directory containing .ZIP or .TAR.GZ files containing FlowFileStream(s), or a single .ZIP or .TAR.GZ file containing FlowFileStream(s).
- -o, --out=<arg3>
The output path. For the unpackage command, a directory containing the FlowFile content.
- -r, --results=<arg5>
An optional field to specify an output for the results JSON.
- -u, --uuid
For the unpackage command, Will make all unpackaged content filename(s) UUIDs, to prevent clobering.
- -v, --version=<arg0>
This is the FlowFileStream version of the incoming FlowFileStream(s).